
  • Bamboo handicraft
  • Wrought Iron handicraft
  • Pottery

Go down the memory lane with a visit to the museum of rural artifacts collected from nearby places

  • Bathing, tending, feeding & milking the cows
  • Cow-dung cake making
  • Gobarshilp/cow-dung crafts

A lot of thought has gone into the architecture of Amrai Gram Stay. We offer a guided architectural tour to visitors who are inclined to learn about architecture. At Amrai, we have a number of vernacular architectural features:

  • Bamboo structures
  • Mud plasters
  • Clay-tiled roofs
  • Exposed brick walls
  • Mud floors
  • Load bearing wall structures

Enjoy our lovely campus by sinking with nature in our outdoor camping, sun bathing, bonfire and by simply being there in open.

Our Ayurvedic expert will guide you through a rejuvenating Yoga routine to have you ready to face the day.

True to its rural association, our traditional menu is prepared in customary style on wood fired earthen chulhas. The food is then served in an eco-friendly, ayurvedically-prescribed, rural setting. The unique open style of preparing and serving food pulls the visitorsin to not only have a look at the whole process but also to engage in it.

Our food is cooked by village women who make sure to give the most authentic taste. Traditional food items of the region like gakkad-bharta, daal-baffle, bihi ki chutney, sev ke laddu, kheech, poha, mawa jalebi, etc. are some of the favourite items on the menu at our kitchen, Bundeli Jewnaar. The kitchen-cum-dining area is housed in a bamboo structure and has a mud floor. Meals are taken in pangat style seated on the floor in leafplates (pattal) and leafbowls (dona) along with brass glasses for drinking water from a copper vessel. All our cooking and serving vessels are traditional style, handmade in copper, brass, iron and bronze. Food is cooked in a woodstove earthen chulha and sometimes on cow dung cakes also.

  1. Over a khatia/charpai on a sunny winter afternoon or a breezy summer morning
  2. Under a mango or mahua tree or a dhabua/bhonga
  3. On a jhula hanging from the grandfather mango trees
  4. At the machaan
  5. On our hand-crafted reclined bamboo chairs